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International Training Workshop on Resource & Environment Scientific Data Sharing along the “Belt and Road” Successfully Held

Publisher: The 4th Research Field

time: 2023-11-30

The International Training Workshop on Resource & Environment Scientific Data Sharing along the “Belt and Road” was successfully held in Beijing from November 4 to 18, 2023. The workshop was organized by the Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), hosted by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, and co-organized with China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences. Prof. Wang Juanle, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

During the opening ceremony, Prof. Wang Juanle briefly reviewed the previous international training workshops and provided an overview of the background and content of the current workshop.

This workshop organized 23 reports, including presentations by Prof. Wang Juanle, "Resources and Environmental Scientific Data Integration and Sharing in the ‘Belt and Road’ area" and "Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System, IKCEST under the Auspices of UNESCO".

Participants also visited various institutions, including the National Science & Technology Infrastructure Center, Air and Space Museum, SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., National Space Science Center, CAS, and International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals. The training workshop received widespread praise from trainees.

Focused on themes such as data sharing platform technology, data governance and standardization technology, big data-driven data sharing applications, disaster risk reduction knowledge services, and international cooperation in data sharing and disaster risk reduction, the workshop aimed to establish a data-sharing system for resource and environmental data. It provided a data foundation for international collaborative research and aimed to enhance disaster risk reduction and sustainable development capabilities in the 'Belt and Road' region.

Over 20 participants from countries including Pakistan, Mongolia, Russia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Uzbekistan, and Jordan attended the fourteen-day onsite training.

Presentation by Prof. Wang Juanle

Onsite Training Workshop

Issuing the Certificates

Group Photo